miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

LESSON 14 18/03/2020

Today is our first day that we have an online class.

We have to enter in MyApps and in JclicAuthor to work today. We did different activities:



viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

LESSON 13 06/02/2020

Today is our 13th class of this subject. We have learnt to do activities (make puzzles, memory game,...) to practice with JCLIC.
We saved 6 images and we did this:

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2020

LESSON 12 04/03/2020

Today is our 12th class of Computer Science. We are divides in groups. In my case, my group (2) is with Raquel.
Today, we learn about Multimedia, all about types of images, animation, static images, sounds, vector images that are in high resolution.

Also we saw file formats (sound). Without loss (high quality): WAV and AIFF, FLAC - free, ALAC,APE. Regarding Losses quality:MP3, AAC, OGG vorbis - free, WMA,...

In addition, we saw some features about Video (file formats):MPEG, H.264,MPEG-4, DIVX, FLVo SWF, AVI, WMV, 3GP, XVID,...

Furthermore, we learn where we can keep our documents,.. In the app of URJC

Also, today we used GIMP and we edited these two images:

LESSON 11 28/02/2020

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

LESSON 10 26/02/2020

Today is our 10 th lesson of this subject.

Today we saw how to dentify the basic rules for proper communication in virtual environments, we have Learn to use the main rules of use in communication contexts in virtual environments. We also have learn how to use tools for the creation of comics. In addition, we were acquiring and applying good habits in the use of communication rules.

We have learn about "Netiquette".

We had to do a Comic talking about the importance of the good use of words when we communicat with someone through the internet. We used to do that "Pixton".

LESSON 16 25/03/2020